Soften your breath

Soften your eyes

Soften your shoulders

Soften your hurt

Soften your pain

Soften your anger

What now do you feel?

90% of the time, reading ‘mindful’ quotes mean absolutely nothing to me. The other 10% of the time, they mean everything.

Ask yourself: When and where was the last moment I felt completely happy. What was I doing? Who was I with?

Look deeply into the nature of your suffering. Bathe it in compassion and forgiveness. Smother it with love.

It is the ignorant and angry who cannot see beyond us and them; and theirs will never be a peaceful heart.

If the practice of yoga serves any purpose at all, it is to realise that it is completely possible to have complete freedom in mind and lightness in body – even if it is felt for only a moment.

How is it that life has become a daily struggle searching for a reason to justify our existence? Find whichever practice affirms in your heart that simply being is enough.

How strong and flexible do we need to be… to be?

If I am not my thoughts, then what am I?

When a friend is talking to you, listen deeply. When in an asana, listen deeply.

Within the emptiness of Savasana glimpse the wholeness of your true Self.

Love everyone you meet until they give you a reason not to… then love them even more.

They say to wake each morning and thinking of three things you are truly grateful for will set you up for a beautiful day. It does, but some days the mind is too dark to be able to think of even one; so we do practice to let the light in.

Commit. Do. Repeat.

Eliminate waste from your mind just like you do from your body.

Rest your mind not on all that you want, but on all that you have, not on all that you cannot change, but on that which you can, not on who you aren’t, but on who you are.