Benefits of Yoga

Strengthens and tones muscles

Improves flexibility

Strengthens the joints of the body

Increases lung capacity

Improves wellbeing, energy and vitality

Stimulates cardiovascular and respiratory activity to improve the flow of oxygenated blood to every organ and muscle of the body

Improves concentration

Massages internal organs

Corrects poor posture

Boosts the immune system’s functionality

Calms a busy mind

Improves self-esteem

Benefits both mental and physical health

Frequently asked questions

What does ‘Yoga’ mean?

Yoga is a Sanskrit word that translates as ‘union,’ or ‘to yoke.’ It is an ancient scientific system designed to help one achieve their best physical, mental, and spiritual health, a way to unite together mind, body and soul.


Can I eat before class?

It is best not to have a full stomach before yoga, the emptier the better as you will have more energy for practice as food digestion requires energy. Also when we are doing some postures we are massaging the abdominal organs. If you are coming to a morning practice, we would suggest a banana or something similar. For other classes try to leave two hours after eating before practice.


Do I have to be a vegetarian to practice yoga?

No. Nothing is imposed upon you. 


Is Yoga a religion?

No. It is a philosophy and a science. It is not necessary to surrender your own religious beliefs to practice yoga. There is of course spirituality to yoga, rooted in Buddhism and Hinduism, but the essence of the practice is the possibility of personal transformation for you to be the best version of yourself.  


I’m not at all flexible. Can I do yoga?

Yes, of course. We all have to start somewhere, and most of us begin with limited flexibility. This is why we start to practice. Taking tiny steps will increase our flexibility, and not only that; strength, stamina, inner peace, wellbeing and balance are also improved.


What do I need to bring to class?

Just yourself, curiosity, and an open mind. Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. Bring your own mat, and any props you like to use. No footwear is required as we practice in bare feet (unless circumstances require otherwise, and you can wear socks) 


Will I lose weight?

It depends on the type of class you attend, how often, and how intensely. As you deepen your practice, you may well begin to address and change other aspects of your lifestyle; nutrition and diet for example, and as a result you may find yourself adjusting and becoming a better, healthier you.


What if I feel dizzy during class?

Dizziness can caused by a chemical alteration in nerve function that makes us lightheaded, sometimes caused when we stand up too quickly, or when over extending the neck, or when feeling dehydrated. If you do, slowly sit down in a comfortable position, or lie down on your back, close your eyes, and breathe slowly until you feel grounded.


Can I practice whilst menstruating?

Some women prefer not to practice during their periods, others feel okay to continue. If you decide to practice, it is advisable to avoid inverted postures that reverse the downward flow (shoulder stand/ headstand etc.) and to be gentle with lower body twists. 


What is OM, or AUM?

OM is a sacred symbol of spiritual meaning found in many eastern religions. OM is a mantra; a mantra is a repeated word or sound used to aid concentration and meditation, a seed or bija that energises intention. ‘I am strong,’ or ‘I release tension with my out breath,’ or ‘So Hum’, (I am That,) are examples of mantras we may mentally repeat to ourselves during our yoga practice. 

As with many things, ancient wisdoms are interpreted in many ways, and OM is said to mean the sound of the cosmos, or the sound of evolution and constant change. Chanting it brings an awareness and oneness to the vibration carried in everything in the universe that is in a state of constant change. It is said to have the frequency of the universe and that by chanting it, we connect to each other and all living things in nature.

OM is also said to represent the four states of time, that is: the past, present, future, and that which transcends time. In this interpretation it may be chanted as AUM. 

OM can also refer to the four states of consciousness, and the four states of the self. As you can see, there are many interpretations, and these brief notes only touch the surface of the meanings of OM.    


What does‘Namaste’ mean?

Namaste is a traditional gesture of respect simply meaning ‘I bow to you.’ 

In yoga, many interpret it as ‘I bow to the divine in you,’ as a gesture of gratitude and respect between teacher and students at the end of class.


How often do I need to practice?

Short answer: as often as you can. Traditionally, the practice of yoga is a daily practice, but of course this is not always an option. Set a programme for yourself, and commit to your plan. Once a week is better than none, twice even better, and so on. Yoga is practice, and as if you were learning a musical instrument or a new language, the more we put in, the quicker we progress. As Krishna Das says: ‘If you don’t cup your hands, you can’t catch raindrops.’

‘Paying attention is like shining a light on what is. And that awareness brings a realisation that everything is a miracle’